11 JANUARY 2023

The year 2022 is behind us. It is time to look back and evaluate the fulfillment of original plans and goals at the annual kick-off meeting. Representatives of all departments of Gamanet had the opportunity to present not only what they managed to achieve, but also to propose where they want to go in the new year. The space for evaluating the activities of each department allows us to better see the challenges that await us in 2023. Through the discussion we are able to find new solutions and thus provide our customers with even better services and products than before.

The founding of the global business network Gamanet Alliance and the developing cooperation with the first members allowed us to bring the C4 System closer to the customers, not only in European countries but also in the Middle East as well. Our next aim is to focus on expanding the Gamanet Alliance in Latin America.

In addition to expanding the sales office we managed to deploy the Transformers pilot project. The process of tuning the system is currently underway, so that we can start deploying the new generation of C4 Transformers on other projects of our customers this year.

For the first time representatives of Gamanet Alliance members also participated in the kick-off meeting. We consider them as a part of the company, as they are our representatives and importers of C4 software in specific regions of the world. We believe we will continue this annual tradition next year as well with the new alliance members that we are happy to welcome to our ever-growing Gamanet team.

- Gamanet -